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world-name: r3wp

Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
Reichart - I am kind of experience user, don't worry. When I click 
on .html or .htm (or any other form), FF gets started. Vista usese 
a bit different form of registration imo. It e.g. states, that my 
FF has 9 from 10 possible registrations, so I added even another 
one. However, I might know, what AltME is using. I checked on what 
is still registered with IE, and it is - .mht, .mhtml, .url. So my 
suspicion is, that what AltME or OS does, is that it uses .url. When 
I rename .html file to .url, it gets IE icon. I will have to wait 
for my folks to return, because I don't know, why the .url option 
is greyed in IE section - maybe some Active Directory policy rule, 
dunno ...
or just rename your personal pm file, make it empty ... will that 
resync the old one?
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
linux-1.3: nameclash: /link wants ~/.rebol as file. /view now wants 
a directory there. I guess we have to rename, ~/rebol.d ?
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
gabriele, so you can rename a file while it runs?
Working on locate.r;  saving a database after a scan of the library 
scripts can't be reloaded
autoextract.r has the following inside it:
    output: [{Self-extracting REBOL-compressed file
        REBOL [
            Title:  "Self-extracting compressed file"
            Date:  } now {
            File:  } mold infile {
            Author:  "Autoextract function by Bohdan Lechnowsky"
            Comment:  ^{
               Simply run this script and it will 
               decompress and save the file for you

        if exists? } mold infile { [
            print ["} infile { already exists, please rename"
                           " existing file and run again."]
        write } mold infile { decompress 64#} mold file
    write outfile to-string reduce output

How do I get REBOL to keep the ^{ and ^}  across a save/all and load? 
  locate.r keeps a reference to all block! info for the tour sequence. 
 LOADing this (after a SAVE/ALL) causes an invalid string error. 
 Any hints?
I don't know the answer, Henrik, but since you mention it, I really 
think that the act of moving a file should be invoked by a function 
named something like "MOVE" or "MOVE-FILE", regardless of whether 
its implementation in the OS is by a "rename" function.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
Ok, when i go to save the .dll file, my folder is hidden, if i download 
to another directory, i can't paste even if i rename... my mom is 
going to freak trying to install this thing.
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
from the rename help:
     old -- path to the old file (Type: file url)
     new -- new name (not a path) (Type: file url string)

but it indeed works if you use a destination path relative to the 
origin path, in my case 0.002 seconds instead of 0.300 using call 
"mv..   thanks all 8-)
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
The filename "syncro.r" indicates that this file is of type "r document". 
The contents of the file indicate that the file is of type "plain 
text document". If you open this file, the file might present a security 
risk to your system.

Do not open the file unless you created the file yourself, or received 
the file from a trusted source. To open the file, rename the file 
to the correct extension for "plain text document", then open the 
file normally. Alternatively, use the Open With menu to choose a 
specific application for the file.
@DocKimbel: Thanks! There is a README file in the /etc/rc3.d/ directory 
that indicates to rename the file to a Knnapache2. I'll do it and 
see what blows up. :))
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
Louis -- a couple of pointers about uploading files to a server using 
a slow FTP connection:

(I do it myself with REBOL.org -- most of the development takes place 
on my machine and is uploaded to RO via a 56K modem, so this is based 
on real experience.)

-- If you are uploading a large live file, that file will be available 
and/or "broken" during the course of the upload. Best to upload with 
a temporary file name, and then rename when uploaded.

-- That won't work with CGI scripts under Apache/UNIX as the rename 
won't leave them with the right file permissions to execute. But 
it will work for all other files, including scripts that are DOne 
by your CGIs.

-- We have a checksums file that the uploader uses.  Before uploading 
a file, it checks the file's upload checksum. That way, we only ever 
upload new or changed files.
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
I'm currently developing a load-svg-icon function that will take 
an SVG file name and size, and return a scaled draw block. Some questions 
need addressing first though (feel free to post the GPL answers to 
the licensing group):

1) Can I distribute a set of GPL SVG icons with the RebGUI zip bundle? 
If so, under what terms / conditions?

2) If someone creates a RebGUI binary application (with the to be 
released SDK) can they include GPLed SVG files, and if so, under 
what terms / conditions?

3) Can GPLed SVG files be distributed under a different file name(s)? 
(e.g. rename gnome-gtk-folder-icon3.svg to open.svg)

4) What if I want to take a set of GPLed SVG files and distribute 
them as pre-converted draw-blocks (so RebGUI apps don't need to convert 
icons from SVG to Draw)?

Now some design questions:

1) Should the result of the proposed load-svg-icon be a draw block 
or an image?

2) Should RebGUI have a stock image cache or a stock draw-cmds cache? 
(i.e. is it better to cache draw cmds or images)
Spell-check requires a locale.dat file (which you can copy and rename 
from those under the language directory) and a matching dictionary 
file in the dictionary directory. Example:

	1) Copy %language/British.dat %locale.dat
	2) Download and unzip %British.dat into %dictionary/British.dat
	3) Run %tour.r
	4) Click "Field" then "Area" tabs
	5) Click in the area and press Ctrl+S

This should bring up a spell-check dialog with suggested word replacements.
Group: !Liquid ... any questions about liquid dataflow core. [web-public]
wrt the slim word... you can rename it in the slim.r file if you 
really want to... but its your call.
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
PUT file : the tmp file is deleted once the HTTP response is sent 
back to client. If you want to keep the file, you need to either 
rename it (with its original name) or move it elsewhere.
The uploaded file is written on disk if it's size exceed 100'000 
bytes. You can change this default threshold value by using the 'post-mem-limit 
 keyword in virtual host configuration options (in %httpd.cfg).

Cheyenne can handle file uploads up to 2GB size with no noticeable 
impact on memory usage.

The temporary file is stored in an %incoming/ folder at Cheyenne's 
root. The file is deleted once the response is sent to the client, 
so in order to keep it, you have to rename it or copy it elsewhere.

You can use the %show.rsp sample script as target of a POST action 
to test it.
What's the correct way how to deal with uploaded files? I mean... 
if I for example upload a very large file, then I must move it to 
correct location after upload is finished. What is the best way how 
to move a large file in the Cheyenne context? What about a possibility 
to set the custom %incoming/ location before download starts so no 
need for move will be required and we can just rename the file?
RENAME, on same file system. if you don't want to care, call "mv"
Group: !REBOL3 Schemes ... Implementors guide [web-public]
not much else to do .. just delete, create directory, rename .... 
and append to existing file
This one, to rename a file:

RNFR ;** rename a file.
<< (
	(1 2) error
	(4 5) fail
	3 (
		>> RTNO
		<< (
			2	success
			(1 3)	error
			(4 5)	fail
Group: !REBOL3 ... [web-public]
yeah in fact i could do this check the version then download the 
new version from server maning the file .TMP then create from my 
script a install-app.r  and call it then close the current app

and have that temporary script install-app.r to rename the .TMP file 
to my main script and then start the app. It could display popup 
message like "Configuring the new version please be patient..."

but it's lot of work for a thing i will be the only one to use ... 
and that's not the meaning of my ask ...
the function doing update could work as follows:

update: func [
    {updates the current application}
    application-file [file!] {the current application}
    tmp-file [file!] {a temporary file}
    source {updates from this source}
] [
    if exists? tmp-file [delete tmp-file]

    ; now we can rename the application-file, since the tmp-file does 
    not exist

    rename application-file tmp-file ; I guess, that this works, even 
    if the application is running?
    write/binary application-file read/binary source
    call application-file
Group: !REBOL3 Host Kit ... [web-public]
I'd just rename the rebol BOOL to some other Identifier,and do a 
quick recursive file replace... I looked and its not used that much.
Group: !REBOL3 Modules ... Get help with R3's module system [web-public]
if the module has a name and you rename the file, it should fail, 
which is probably what it does already.
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
Reading the source for RENAME, it rename the file by changing its 
name in the directory file. And this doesn't work for some reason 
with USB sticks under OS X using R2.
the CHANGE works, if I do it by hand. Then I can rename the file.
rename capabilities in file handling do not normally allow paths 
to be used (in the OS itself).  otherwise these are a called 'move 
file operations. 

e.g. if you try using paths with rename in the DOS shell, you get 
1 / 32[1]